3rd August 2012 - Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh

The CCCA Trust Fund has just held an orientation workshop for the selected applicants of the 2nd call for proposals. The CCCA Trust Fund Secretariat invited the successful applicants to a half day workshop where the Secretariat provided feedback received from the independent consultants concerning the weaknesses of the concept notes and areas for improvement. The feedback should have a direct bearing on the contents and quality of full project proposals to be drafted by the selected applicants. In addition, the workshop discussed the Annex B, which provides the format and guide in the formulation of full project proposals. The applicants used this opportunity to seek clarifications on the guidelines.

A number of presentations and documents were provided to the participants and can be donwloaded for further information in our online library. These include:

{phocadownload view=file|id=176|text=2FCP - Feedback on concept notes provided|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=177|text=2FCP - Presentation Annex B|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=179|text=2FCP - Presentation Annex B (Word)|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=178|text=2FCP 3rd August Workshop Agenda|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=180|text=2FCP - Grant Application Guidelines Final Version|target=s}

{phocadownload view=file|id=181|text=2FCP - Project Budget Format Final Proposals|target=s}

Previously, on 21 April 2012, the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Trust Fund (CCCA-TF) launched the 2nd Call for Proposal (2CFP) to invite concept notes for climate change adaptation projects, which will support capacity development and institutional strengthening to address climate change. The 2CFP ensures climate change integration into policies, strategies, plans and programmes; addresses climate change adaptation priorities through experimentation of climate resilient options at the community level; and promotes climate change knowledge and awareness in Cambodia. The call for proposals was open to government institutions, local and international NGOs, UN Agencies and key players in development.

In response to the 2CFP, the CCCA-TF received a total of 90 concept notes before the deadline of 4 June 2012. All concept notes underwent administrative screening and 32 concept notes were disqualified as a result of not meeting the minimum requirements outlined in the 2CFP. A total of 58 concept notes proceeded to the second stage of screening, which was done by a team of 4 independent experts who reviewed the technical strengths of the concept notes. The technical review has now been completed and 25 concept notes have received no-objection by the Programme Support Board to proceed to next stage of drafting full project proposals.

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