Climate Change Programs and Projects

An increasing number of actors, including government and communities, CSO, private sector, academia and development partners, with the support of the Department of Climate Change (DCC), are getting involved and taking action on the ground.

From large programs – e.g. Strategic Program for Climate Resilience, SPCR (ADB), Cambodia Climate Change Alliance, CCCA (EU, Sida, UNDP), or Reducing the Strengthening Rural Livelihoods, SRL (UNDP) – to individual or community interventions, Cambodia is preparing itself for a climate resilient sustainable future.

At the sub-national level, with the help of DCC and in coordination with the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD), local governments are increasingly using commune vulnerability assessments to identify climate adaptation measures that can increase community’s resilience to the effects of climate change, targeting them for funding through their Commune Investment Programs (CIP).

Whilst adaptation remains the priority for Cambodia, mitigation is increasingly becoming a key part of the country’s response to climate change as growing evidence shows that many mitigation investments can generate co-benefits in terms of climate change adaptation, development, employment, energy security and public health. These co-benefits can contribute to achieving a number of SDGs, in particular those on affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).