Over the last two decades Cambodia has made significant efforts to build institutional capacity, attract international finance and establish strategic and planning instruments to guide the country’s response to climate change. A national monitoring and evaluation framework for climate change is in place, with the national GHG emissions inventory system soon be operational.
In spite of the progress made, implementation of the country’s climate change response remains hindered by a lack of available quality assured information and knowledge on climate change in the country. Surveys conducted by DCC indicate that policy-makers, planners, and other practitioners working at the sectoral and sub-national levels often lack the information and knowledge they need to effectively conduct their work.
This data portal intends to bridge this gap by making publicly available quality assured data in different areas of climate change work as they become available. Starting with a small number of datasets covering vulnerability, climate finance, mitigation projects and institutional readiness, soon other databases will be made available, including GHGI and NDC’s monitor.
NCSD would like to encourage all those working on climate change - data producers and users, government and non-government entities – to join efforts with DCC and contribute to the expansion of this portal. Your suggestions and comments on data needs, as well as your offer to share publicly new relevant quality assured datasets will be most welcomed.

Vulnerability to Climate Hazards

Families Affected by Climate Hazards

Vulnerability Assessments

Climate Finance

Institutional Readiness

Greenhouse Gas Emission

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Climate Change (KAP)

Women's Resilience Index

Environmental Management Information System

Air Quality Monitoring Data Platform