A rigorous M&E system on climate change response plays an integral role to monitor, assess and generate lessons learned and evidence for designing future climate actions matching the ever-increasing challenges posed by climate change on development progress in Cambodia. The Cambodian Climate Change M&E Framework tracks both national institutional readiness indicators (measuring national institutions capacities to manage climate risks) and the impact indicators covering adaptation and mitigation (measuring how successfull climate interventions are in reducing vulnerability and lowering carbon emissions). These indicators have been updated regularly, and discussed and validated at CCTWG meetings. Data on the evolution of these indicators can be found on data portal.
During the last five years, the Government has made significant progress in mainstreaming the national climate change M&E framework into national development M&E instruments, ensuring alignment amongst the different M&E frameworks:
- The National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP 2019-2023) already includes the climate change indicators at national and sectoral level.
- Cambodia’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include specific targets and indicators to track the country’s progress on combating climate change (SDG13). There are five indicators on in CSDG-13.
- Cambodia’s Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP 2014-2023) indicated, as one of its key elements, the establishment of a national M&E framework for climate change response. This led to the development of the Cambodian Climate Change M&E Framework mentioned above.
Vertical and cross-sectoral reporting system to policy makers and high-level government officials are starting to be operationalized to ensure the regular reporting on various programmes and activities related to the climate change response and to secure that the government is fully engaged with Cambodia's climate change response. As a Party to the UNFCCC, Cambodia reportes its efforts and commitments through the national communications and other reporting mechanisms to the UNFCCC.