Siem Reap province – 21-22 March 2019: The Department for Climate Change, as secretariat of the Climate Change Technical Working (CCTWG), convened and coordinated the 4th Climate Change Technical Working Group to discuss three key priorities, including the update and review of national institution indicators which is part of the National M&E Framework; the Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of Cambodia's Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023 (CCCSP) and the road map for Cambodia's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) implementation.
Key concerned stakeholders are CCTWG members composed of 19 ministries/agencies, and other key participants, totally 41 people, including 9 women took part in this event chaired by H.E. Chuop Paris, Deputy Secretary General of the National Council for Sustainable Development.
H.E. Chuop Paris underlined that “this technical working group acts as a national forum directly led by the Royal Government of Cambodia, unlike other technical working groups co-chaired with development partners”. He further stated that the Rectangular Strategy Phase 4 of this mandate identified that climate change is an interrupting issue for the national development. Responding to this, the Royal Government will prioritize the implementation of the National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013- 2030, CCCSP, National and Environmental Strategy and Action Plans 2016-2023, National Strategic Plan for REDD+, and social and environmental fund to ensure effective low carbon economic development, and climate resilient.