Phnom Penh, 01st August 2016 – The Department of Climate Change (DCC), General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD) with support from Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) programme organized a training workshop on “Grant Implementation Guidelines” to 8 national institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations which successfully obtained grants from CCCA for implementation of climate change research and innovation projects and to projects with approved climate change action plans with a total of 41 participants (16 are female).
Ms. Khok Vichet Ratha, Deputy Director of the DCC and on behalf of CCCA Programme Director, warmly welcomed the new CCCA’s grantees. She mentioned that “climate change is a cross cutting issue which has been taken into account by the Royal Government, and this grant facilities mechanism is part of necessary elements to support the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan effectively”.
As a result, all participants have improved their knowledge on CCCA reporting requirements, human resources management and procurement procedures, financial management procedures (including disbursement mechanism and budget/project revision), communication and visibility, and monitoring and evaluation.
All eight projects have been approved by the CCCA Programme Support Board in June 2016 and have begun implementation in July 2016. These projects included:
1. Vulnerability Assessment of Local People Living in and near Ramsar Site to Climate Variability and Change (implemented by Stung Treng Provincial Department of Environment (STDoE);
2. Promoting resilience in agricultural production and enterprises for food security among subsistence farmers along the Mekong, implemented by Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT);
3. Medium Scale Biodigester Innovation for Smart Environment (MBI-SE), implemented by National Biodigester Programme (NBP);
4. Solid Waste Management Strategy, implemented by Nexus Carbon for Development;
5. Ecological Intensification and Soil Ecosystem Functioning (EISOFUN), implemented by General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (DALaRM), and Conservation Agriculture Service Center (CASC);
6. Fuelling the low carbon development of Cambodian manufacturing industries by valorizing agro-industries’ biomass residues into energy, implemented by Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity (GERES);
7. Participatory Land Cover Monitoring of Cambodian Landscapes, implanted by Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)s;
8. Vulnerability & Impact Research Targeting Usability and Effectiveness (VIRTUE), implemented by Ministry of Health (MoH) Preventive Medicine Department (PMD).