Phnom Penh, 15 September 2015, The General Secretariat for Sustainable Development (GSSD), hosted by the Ministry of Environment launched a Call for Proposals on Research and Innovation Grants in support of the national climate change priorities, with support from the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance programme (CCCA). Seven to ten grants are expected to be awarded, with an individual amount between USD 50,000 and USD 100,000. The workshop was attended by over 120 participants, from Government, academia and NGOs (Summary Q&A is inside).
Mr. Sum Thy, Director of the Climate Change Department and CCCA Programme Manager, mentioned the importance of human resource strengthening and technological development for Cambodia’s sustainable development objectives. “Strengthening of human and technical capacities is one of the CCCA’s key results to support the climate change response. Therefore, EU, UNDP and Sweden have agreed to allocate funds to support qualified organizations to explore new innovations in climate change technologies and approaches, including research”.
The focus areas for research and innovation grants cover adaptation, greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and inventory, and activities related to both adaptation and mitigation. Research and innovation must be at the core of the proposal (no “business-as-usual”), clearly explain how it will add value to the climate change response in Cambodia, and its concrete implications for climate change policies and/or programming. The proposed activities, additionally, must demonstrate potential to act as catalysts for the mobilization of other sources of climate finance.
Eligible entities include 1) Government ministries or agencies with an approved Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), or their departments/institutes; 2) Non-governmental organizations (local and international based in Cambodia); and 3) Universities and research centers (based in Cambodia).
Details on specific focus areas for this call and other application requirements are listed in the Grant Application Guidelines, which can be downloaded from .
Applicants must submit a concept note and all required documents in hard copy (1 set) and soft copy (on USB stick) to the GSSD- Climate Change Department, #111 Sothearos Bld., Phnom Penh, not later than Friday 30 October 2015, 17:00.
For specific query on the proposals, please kindly address to
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