In the morning of 18 February 2015, the Program Support Board (PSB) of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) conducted its 9th meeting under the chairmanship of H.E. Say Samal, Minister of Environment and Chairperson of the CCCA’s PSB. The meeting was also attended by PSB members from the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy and Finance; and representatives from the development partners including the European Union, Sweden and UNDP, as well as representatives of selected stakeholders.
In his welcome remarks, H.E. Minister underlined the current efforts for modernization and structural reform of the Ministry toward environmental quality protection, biodiversity conservation and ensuring sustainable livelihoods. He further appreciated the importance and progress of the CCCA to support Cambodia’s vision of a greener and low carbon society.
H.E. Tin Ponlok, Secretary General of the National Council for Green Growth and CCCA Programme Director, presented key achievements of CCCA's phase I as follows:
- Inclusion of climate change as a cross-cutting issue in the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2014-2018, integration of climate change in relevant sectoral chapters and in the M&E framework;
- Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023, supported by 9 Sectoral Climate Change Strategic Plans, and 8 approved Sectoral Climate Change Action Plans;
- Climate Public Expenditure Review followed by a full Climate Change Financing Framework;
- Initial guidelines on climate change awareness, education and communication;
- Knowledge products including practice notes and case studies on adaptation approaches.
Apart from policy coordination at national level, CCCA I programme provided grants to 20 climate change pilot projects, covering 12 sectors in 60 districts of 20 provinces. Over 40,000 community members benefitted directly and 72% of people in target areas have perceived a reduction in their vulnerability to climate change.
The meeting also reviewed the achievements of CCCA II during July-December 2014 and discussed planned activities for 2015-2016 which were presented by Mr. Sum Thy, Director of Cliamte Change Department and CCCA Programme Manager.
The members of PSB also discussed about climate change adaptation at coastal zone, mainstreaming of climate change into the draft law on Environmental Impact Assessment, capacity building, coordination with partners, and cooperation between CCCA and SPCR (Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience).
The key decisions made from the 9th PSB meetings are:
- The closure of the CCCA I and continuation of CCCA II (2014-2019);
- Transferring the CCCA I fix assets to CCCA II, and transferring the closed grantees’ assets to respective grantees;
- Having agree on implementation of three main drivers for CCCA II: 1) clear governance and accountability framework, 2) domestic and external finance effectively oriented in support of climate resilient and low carbon developmentand 3) strengthen human and technical capacities to support climate change response;
- Endorsement of the activities plan for 2015-2016 with its budget about 5.6 million US$, supported by EU, SIDA and UNDP.