On 9th January 2015, the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) programme launched a call for proposals to support the implementation of Climate Change Action Plans (CCAPs) in qualifying ministries. The eight ministries/agencies with approved CCAPs are eligible to apply, namely Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Health; Ministry of Public Works and Transport; Ministry of Rural Development; Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology; Ministry of Women’s Affairs; and National Committee for Disaster Management.

Activities must be in line with the CCAPs and demonstrate added value in relation other existing initiatives. They must directly contribute to concrete climate change mitigation or adaptation results in the field, and have potential to influence future public policies and programmes. The total amount allocated to this round of funding is USD 2,250,000. Concept notes must be submitted to the Climate Change Department by 9th February 2015.


While applications are restricted to these ministries and agencies, they may choose to partner with other stakeholders to deliver the proposed initiatives. A training workshop on application guidelines will be held for representatives of qualifying ministries and agencies on Monday 12 January 2014, from 8:00am to 12:00pm, at Sunway Hotel. Any partners who have been pre-identified by ministries/agencies to support their CCCA project proposal are also welcome to attend.

CCCA expects to support a second round of funding in 2016 for another six ministries currently working on the finalization of their CCAPs. In addition, a competitive grant facility for innovative research and development projects, open to governmental and non-governmental organizations, will be launched in the second half of 2015.

Grant applications guidelines can be accessed here. Requests for information should be addressed to secretariat@camclimate.org.kh.


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