Kampong Cham – 19th- 20th August 2014, a Dissemination Workshop on the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP) 2014-2023 was organizedby the Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) in Kampong Cham city.
A total of 70 participants, representing line Provincial Departments, Fisheries Administration, Forestry Administration and local authorities from 6 provinces, Kampong Cham Tbong Khmum, Kratie, MondulKiri, Prey Veng and Svay Rieng, are invited to join the workshop aiming at improving their understanding of CCCSP and the climate change policy as well as at sharing experiences on cliamte change mainstreaming climate change into sub national investment programmes and development planning process.
In his opening remarks, H.E. Tin Ponlok, Secretary General of the National Council on Green Growth of the Ministry of Environment, pointed out that CCCSP 2014-2023 is the first-ever comprehensive national strategic plan to guide responses to climate change in Cambodia through adaptation, mitigation and low-carbon development. He further emphasized that the document was launched in November 2013, reflecting the high commitment of the Royal Government of Cambodia to develop the country towards a green, low-carbon, climate resilient, equitable, sustainable and knowledge-based society. He finally expressed that CCCSP will serve as the basis for a more coordinated response to climate change at both the national and sub-national levels.
Delivering his welcome remarks, H.E. Sim Sokpry, Deputy Provincial Governor of Kampong Cham Province, stressed that Kampong Cham, like other provinces along the Mekong, is vulnerable to climate change impacts such asfrequent and severe floods, droughts, windstorms, which affect water supply, agriculture, infrastructure, tourism, livestock, human health, housing and overall socio-economic development of the province. “Therefore, CCCSP 2014-2023 will serve as the basis for integrating climate change into provincial development plans in alignment with the national development priorities”, he added.
The event was running by 2 main sessions. 1st Session focused on 1) presentation of causes, impacts and responses to climate change, CCCSP formulation process, its 3 objectives and 8 strategic objectives; 2) cross cutting issues, financing, monitoring and evaluation and gender; and 3) experiences sharing on climate change mainstreaming into provincial, district and commune planning. 2nd session was started through groups’ discussion to identify the CCCSP strategies that directly address the needs of each province in responding to climate change and how these strategies can be used in their respective planning processes.
This is the 5th and final regional CCCSP dissemination workshop that came after coastal zone, Tonle Sap southern region, southeastern provinces and Phnom Penh. Over 450 key officials, academia, NGOs perceived the understanding of the 10-year strategic plan covering 25 provinces.