06 June 2013
UNDP has provided support for Cambodia’s National Committee for Disaster Management to organize training on the management of data on disaster loss and damage caused by natural disaster. Thirty-five people from various government institutions, UN agencies, development partners and non-governmental organizations took part in the workshop on 4-6 June.
The training was designed to improve management of the disaster database for more effective responses to disasters in the future. Disaster loss and damage data exists with various ministries, but these datasets are not well organized. This has prompted the need to enhance the current Disaster Management Information System in Cambodia.
Such an improvement will help ensure that data can be systematically collected, managed and analyzed to produce information for authorities at national and sub-national levels to do a better planning for the future disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery.
Cambodia is known to be among the most vulnerable countries to the effect of climate change due to its low capacity to adapt. Droughts and floods have become frequent, affecting the rural population the most. The flood in 2011 hit 18 out of 24 provinces and claimed 250 human lives, out of which approximately 50 percent were children. It affected nearly 1.8 million people (13 percent of the population).
For more information from the UNDP Cambodia, please follow this link.