Phnom Penh –Sweden has provided new grant to support United Nations Development Programme in carrying out projects aimed at improving livelihoods of Cambodian people in rural communities most vulnerable to impacts of climate change.

Swedish Ambassador H.E. Mrs. Anne Höglund and UNDP Country Director Setsuko Yamazaki signed the grant agreement of SEK 10.57 million Swedish Kronor (US$1.6 million) on Friday, 10 May 2013. The amount is in addition to SEK 17.30 million (US$2.6 million) that the Swedish Government has given earlier to UNDP to implement Cambodia Community-Based Adaptation Project (CCBAP).

"We are happy to be able to continue the cooperation with UNDP and support a program that has so far produced very good results. It provides civil society organizations and local authorities with a better understanding of climate change issues, challenges and opportunities, and help communities to prepare for and adapt to climate changes," Ambassador Höglund said.
CCBAP is designed to help reduce vulnerability of Cambodia’s agricultural sector to changes in the availability of water resources due to climate change. It works with targeted rural communities through livelihood activities to enhance adaptive capacity and resilience of the villagers to survive adverse effects of climatic events such as drought and flood.

To read more on this, please follow this link to the full article by UNDP Cambodia

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