24 April 2013
Phnom Penh – In connection to the visit by Ms. Anna Lindstedt, the Swedish Ambassador for Climate Change, the Swedish embassy held, on 24 April, a discussion on gender-related issues in the context of climate change. The objective was to highlight the need for greater effort by policy makers and practitioners alike in integrating gender into strategies to respond to climate change.
Mrs. Anne Hoglund, Ambassador of Sweden to Cambodia said: “the Swedish Government attaches great importance of the issue of climate change, both globally, regionally and nationally. Cambodia has been assessed as the sixth most vulnerable country in the world to the impacts of climate change, mainly due to weak capacity of adaptation and mitigation at national and local levels. Women and children, especially in rural areas, are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population, and will likely bear the most of the burden of climate change impacts, be it through floods or droughts due to changing climate patterns.”
To read more on this, please follow this link to the full article from UNDP Cambodia