Least Developed Countries including Cambodia participated in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Expo which was held as an event to catalyze the launching of the NAP progress on 9 June, 2013 in Bonn Climate Change Conference. The NAP Expo aims at promoting a common understanding of the NAP process by going through the NAP guidelines, provide LDCs opportunity to communicate their plans for the formulation of NAPs, provide a platform for Parties, agencies and organizations to share information on their support to the LDCs on NAPs and offer a forum for the exchange of experience and best practices on planning, prioritizing and implementation of adaptation.
Participated in the event, Cambodia's representative, Mr. Sum Thy, Climate Change Department Director, Ministry of Environment presented Cambodia's roadmap to the NAP process.He has highlighted a number of actions that Cambodia has taken and will do in the NAP process. Those include the implementation of Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Program which is building on the existing efforts in strengthening policy and institutional capacity, knowledge and learning platform, and the management of climate change trust fund. He addressed that Cambodia is producing Climate Change Strategic Plan and is mainstreaming into the National Strategic Development Plan and will be one of the country partners of GEF funded Regional Project called "Assisting Least Developed Countries with country-driven processes to advance National Adaptation Plans.
For further informaiton please click the link: NAP Expo: Bonn Conference 2013