The DCC/CCCA3 contributed to organizing of the workshop on Protected Areas Management and Climate Change which took place on 10th of March, 2022, at Thansur Bokor Hotel, Kampot Province. The workshop’s main objective was to provide an overview of the current status of the environmental sector and climate change in Cambodia. More specifically, the workshop aimed to:
- Present the latest information and data on protected areas and the current situation of climate change in Cambodia;
- Discuss potential future cooperation on developing a climate change booklet for Members of Parliament (MPs); and
- Strengthen cooperation and seek support from the Ministry of Environment and MPs of the National Assembly of Cambodia on the environmental sector and climate change.
It was noticed that the workshop was an excellent platform to share information, knowledge, and experience of the developments in the environment and climate change in Cambodia and seek further possibilities for cooperation between the Ministry of Environment and the national Assembly of Cambodia. These two institutions agreed to continue the work on combating climate change and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity. Following the workshop, the technical focal points from the National Assembly of Cambodia and the Ministry of Environment will further discuss the development of a Handbook on Climate Change for MPs of the National Assembly. Additionally, a field visit and a consultation
workshop will also be organized in the future to collect inputs from the MPs in order to finalize the Handbook.