Solid Waste Management Strategy
Between 1995 and 2008 average annual municipal solid waste in Phnom Penh alone grew from 0.136 million tons to 0.361 million tons, and estimates indicate by 2030 Phnom Penh could be producing 3,112 tons per day. Current methane emissions from landfill sites across Cambodia’s four major cities have been estimated to be as high as 360,000 tonnes CO2 equivalent per year, making landfills one of the largest contributors to Cambodia’s overall emissions.
An overarching, integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy (further in text “Strategy”) for Phnom Penh can create a path to address these challenges and propose solutions to mitigate the serious environmental and climate change risks posed by unsustainable waste management practices. The development of the Strategy will encourage collaboration between the various stakeholders to ensure resources are used efficiently to achieve climate benefits, and promote best practice and transfer of simple, effective, proven technologies and knowledge.
The Strategy will also align with the Climate Change Action Plan (2016-2018) which highlights the management of solid waste in capital, urban and provincial cities as a strategic priority for Cambodia’s sustainable development ambitions. The project also adheres to and aligns with the priority investment areas of the Green City Strategic Plan for Phnom Penh.
Overall Objective
Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy for PP city that will address and offer mitigation solutions for serious environmental (climate) change risks posed by unsustainable waste management practices.
Expected Results
- Literature review and draft best practices report that informs the strategy
- An informed dialogue is initiated among key and associate stakeholders
- Formulation of Strategy including multi phase Action Plan
- Assessment of sustainability and funding options for the Strategy
Phnom Penh
To implement this project efficiently and sustainably the Strategy needs to be developed in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment: Department of Solid Waste Management at the General Directorate of Environmental Protection; the NCSD: the Department of Green Economy; and the Phnom Penh Capital Hall: Waste Management Division. Nexus will utilize a collaborative approach to facilitate discussion and dialogue between these entities to ensure local ownership and participation at all stages of the project.
Project activities are centered on initiating informed dialogue with and feedback from stakeholders. The Project Team will review best practices in cities with similar profiles to Phnom Penh in the region.
Recommendations from the working groups and workshops will be used to develop ideas and iterate the strategy with all relevant stakeholders to ensure relevance and buy-in. Nexus consultants and experts will examine the action plans and assess waste management investments for technical and economic feasibility. Monitoring and evaluation key performance indicators and communications will be integrated into the Strategy. Nexus will also pilot engagement with educational institutions in Phnom Penh to seek inputs from youth for the strategy. A pilot awareness raising campaign will be conducted to initiate young public engagement on these issues.
Achievements to date
- Summary document on the findings and recommendations based on the literature review for solid waste management options for Phnom Penh
- Draft best practice report (4 case studies) at regional and/or international level
- Inception, milestone(s), final workshop facilitated with key stakeholders
- Summary report documenting key learnings and findings from workshop sessions
- Final strategy document incorporating all key lessons learnt, findings, recommendations from lit review, best practices report and strategy workshops.
- Final strategy document incorporating all key lessons learnt, findings, recommendations from lit review, best practices report and strategy workshops.