Medium Scale Biodigester Innovation for Smart Environment (MBI-SE)
Cambodia’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are rising and the agriculture sector is estimated to produce 80% of national carbon-dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq) emissions. Also, Cambodia suffers from poor supplies and high costs of energy.
Nevertheless, Cambodia has large technical potential for domestic biodigesters up to 890,000 households and several hundred for medium and large scale commercial biodigesters. Biodigesters contribute to greenhouse gases (GHG) emission reduction via capturing the methane CH4 from animal manure conversion into biogas for energy. However, commercial biodigesters have not been promoted yet in Cambodia due to various reasons including, 1) lack of viable technologies for commercial biogas, 2) lack of awareness raising among farm owners to invest, 3) lack of human resource and institutional capacity, 4) lack of access to the financing, and 5) lack of awareness on climate change mitigation.
This project responds to the Royal Government of Cambodia's priorities, to expand low-cost energy production, especially from new and clean renewable energy sources.
Overall Objective
Viable medium-scale biodigester technologies contributing to climate change mitigation.
Expected Results
The viable innovated medium scale biodigester technology is in place for applying to animal farms contributing to GHG emission reduction.
Livelihood of beneficiaries and farmers improved through the use of bioslurry compost in integrated farming system.
Kampong Speu Province
The main partners are Kampong Speu department of agriculture, particularly its provincial biodigester programme office (PBPO) and the pig farms owners. NBP is the main implementer to carry out main activities: 1) Review and develop feasibility models of medium scale biodigester technology. 2) Select 3 potential farms to pilot the new technology of medium scale biodigester. 3) Review and equip appropriate technology of generator using biogas to each piloted Bbodigester plants. 4) Conduct proper monitoring to piloted plant and generator. 5) Strengthen the capacity of technicians, Biodigester Construction Companies (BCC) by conducting training course on pilot plants. 6) Conduct potential farm owners exchange visits.
Provincial Biodigester Programme Office (PBPO) will be the direct implementer in the province by joining with NBP to identify potential farms for piloting medium scale biodigesters and develop compost stores as well as integrated farming system for best practices with proper use of bio-slurry to adapt with climate resilience. The Kampong Speu provincial department of agriculture and CP company in close cooperation with the provincial authorities plan to scale up the application of medium scale biodigesters to 90% of all pig farms in the period 2016-2018.
Achievements to date
- 3 Biodigester plants with 02 different feasibility technologies constructed by connecting with 3 electricity generators.
- 15 PBPO_KSP‘s technical supervisors and BCCs
- 60 potential animal farm owners conducted exchange visits.
- 3 slurry compost stores constructed and functioning
- Compost producing training on-site to key farmers
- 3 comprehensive model farmers conducted with effective applied bio-slurry on integrated farming systems.3 bio-slurry farmer field schools with at least 45 key farmers participated through weekly practicing.
- One provincial dissemination workshop organized