Press Release
Cambodia’ Efforts in Response to Climate Change Are Addressing Climate Change Adaptation at Community and National Level
Warsaw, 14 November 2013 – “Climate change is not an option, we have to take it very seriously because it affects every aspects of our life”, said Tin Ponlok of the Cambodian Ministry of Environment in a side event “From integrated climate strategies to climate finance effectiveness: the role of mainstreaming and institutional strengthening” organised by the European Union at the side of the 19th UN Climate Conference.
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He highlighted that the Royal Government of Cambodia recently launched the first-ever Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023, which will serve as a planning reference for all climate responses in Cambodia to support the country’s development toward a greener and climate resilient society. Cambodia is currently implementing a comprehensive programme “Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA)”, a multi-donor initiative funded by the EU (through its Global Climate Change Alliance), UNDP, Sida and Danida, to help build the country capacity for meaningful, comprehensive and effective responses to climate change. CCCA supports the country in preparing climate change policy and plans, strengthening institutional capacity, awareness raising, and developing a future climate financing framework that is credible and attractive. Specifically, CCCA has allocated over 50% of its budget to fund 19 pilot adaptation projects to address the urgent and immediate needs for adaptation to climate change at the community level.