On 20 September 2023, representatives from the Department of Climate Change and Cambodia Climate Change Alliance- Phase 3 conducted a monitoring visit and attended the training on "Strengthening the capacity of sub-national administrations on mainstreaming the climate investment information in PID and sPD", which was organized by the NCDDs in Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces. This training activity is part of the project "Upgrading the climate investment information database of the sub-national government of Cambodia", funded by the CCCA3 grant.
It should be noted that under this project, the climate change markers on adaptation action, mitigation action, and co-benefit were integrated in the database system to track the climate investment information in this integrated system. As it is the pilot phase, it is recommended that the specific climate marker/tracker guideline be developed and trained so that the sub-national administrators can complete the climate investment information correctly in the system.