The Ministry of Environment, in partnership with Cambodian media groups supported by the CCCA3, has organised an "awareness-raising workshop on climate change for media professionals in Cambodia” from December 22–24, 2023, in Battambang province. Participating by a total of 26 media professionals, the event aims to raise understanding and knowledge of climate change for media practitioners and capture best practices about climate change projects implementation, particularly in Battambang province under the CCCA3 grants.
The activities and outputs of field visits are as follows:
22 December 2023: field visits to develop news and capture videos in three project sites
1. Waste Water Treatment Plan in Industrial and SMEs Sectors: Fish Sauce
2. Waste Water Treatment plan in Industrial and SMEs Sectors: Food Processing
3. Early Warning System (EWS) in Battambang City
23 December 2023: Training workshop presided over by H.E. Choup Paris, Secretary of State of the MOE, with the participation of 25 media and 13 relevant officers. A field visit to rice fields under the FAEC project was also conducted.
24 December 2023: A field visit to capture the best practices of conservative agriculture under the NUBB research grant will be organised tomorrow. Attached below are some news and videos developed during the training workshop.