The Ministry of Environment and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organized the inception workshop of the Cambodia’s Nationally Determined Contribution 3.0 (NDC3.0) on January 27 2025, at the Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh. The event was chaired by H.E. Chuop Paris, Secretary of State of Minister of Environment and Chair of the Climate Change Technical Working Group and by H.E. Jo Scheuer, UN Resident Coordinator. It was participated by delegations from the Ministry of Environment, the Climate Change Working Group (CCTWG), representatives from relevant ministries and institutions, development partners, civil society organizations, indigenous groups, youth representatives, and academia, totaling 200 participants.

In the opening session, H.E. Chuop Paris affirmed that Cambodia is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which include rising temperatures, frequent extreme weather events, and rising sea levels and these factors threaten the country’s agriculture, fisheries, and tourism industries. However, Cambodia has demonstrated the capacity to address these impacts by establishing an ambitious climate agenda and key policies. These include the Updated Nationally Determined Contribution in 2020, the Long-term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality in 2021, and the integration of climate change into national sectoral policies and processes.

The Ministry of Environment, on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, will develop Cambodia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC 3.0) showcasing the country’s ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors such as energy, industry (IPPU), agriculture, forestry and land use, and waste. His Excellency sincerely hopes that this workshop will provide a good opportunity to discuss, exchange experiences, share information, and have active discussions to prepare a national plan with a clear goal of bringing Cambodia to carbon neutrality by 2050.

It is worth noting that the full-day workshop was held with the aim of discussing and preparing action plans and coordination mechanisms between international ministries, institutions and UN agencies in Cambodia, which will be coordinated by each sub-sector, to ensure that the preparation process is consistent and interconnected with the priorities of the Royal Government and ministries, inter-sectoral institutions and sub-national administrations.

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