Tbong Khmum, 28 September 2017–Department of Climate Change (DCC), General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD), with support from Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) organized a“Training Workshop on Climate Change” for lecturers and students in University of Heng Samrin Tbong Khmum, Tbong Khmum province, with participation of 152 people, including 68 women, to build capacity on the climate change terminology, cause and effect, impact, vulnerability at national and international levels in responding to climate change, and adaptation and mitigation options. The event is presided over by H.E. Pin Vannaro, the rector, and Dr. Heng Chanthoeun, deputy director of DCC.
Climate change knowledge were focused on 1) causes and impacts, 2) national and international responses, 3) climate change adaptation measures, 4) mitigation options, and 5) financial resource for climate change response, 6) carbon footprint calculation and 7) climate change knowledge management are oriented by climate change professionals from Department of Climate Change.