On 07 November 2023, the CCCA3 team attended the Dissemination Workshop on Study on Impact of Heat Stress on Human Productivity and Economy in Cambodia. Granted by the CCCA3 since August 2020, the research project is conducted to build human resources in the field of heat stress and to investigate and provide evidence of the impacts of heat stress on productivity in three selected sectors, namely, garment, construction, and education sectors as well as evidence of economic loss due to heat stress.
Today’s dissemination workshop aims to 1) present initial findings on the effects of heat stress in the three sectors as well as the impact on Cambodia's economy; 2) generate recommendations and suggestions to mitigate the effects of heat stress in the targeted sectors, focusing on the prevention of productivity loss and well-being; and 3) identify scale up activities and future collaborations.
At the workshop, the key findings of heat stress impacts on the three sectors as well as its impacts on the economy were shared with a wide range of key stakeholders including representatives of relevant ministries, agencies, and the private sector while scale-up activities were also identified. The dissemination workshop was recognized as a valuable opportunity to learn more about heat stress and its impacts and to raise awareness of the issue of heat stress to advocate for action to protect human health and productivity towards a resilient society.
Following inputs and constructive comments made during the workshop, the ITC team and its partners will improve key insights and recommendations of the research and its deliverables. The technical reports along with other deliverables (papers, articles, final reports…) will then be shared with the CCCA3/DCC team for final review.