Fishery is an important activity in Cambodia as it provides foods security and support livelihoods of people through generating incomes and it also plays an important role to promote diversification of livelihoods in Cambodia. However, climate change through the increased occurrence of floods and drought and changes in water systems threatens fishery activities.
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation in Fisheries Sector in Cambodia” was a pilot project funded by the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) and implemented by the Fisheries Administration (FiA) with technical assistance from WorldFish Center. The total budget for the project is USD 400,000 for the period of 21 months starting from 30 October 2011 to 31 July 2013, of which USD 300,000 was funded by CCCA.The project targeted four provinces: Kratie, Siem Reap, Kampong Thom and Pursat.The Siem Reap (Puok commune)pilot site presented here focused on technologies for flood and drought resilient fish nurseries.
Adpatation Issue:
In the project area, pond water quality is degraded in the dry season, causing lower fingerling survival rates. Moreover, wet season floods allowed the fingerlings and brood fish to spill out of the pond, thereby making the activity unprofitable for fish farmers. More frequent and severe floods and drought due to Climate Change would make this activity unsustainable without adaptation measures.
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