The DCC with support of the CCCA3 organized a meeting of the Climate Change Technical Working Group (CCTWG) with the Development Partners with a focus on the decision on newly appointed CCTWG and outcomes of COP28. The meeting was presided over by H.E. Chuop Paris, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Environment and participated by CCTWG members, development partners, NGO, academia, CCCA3 and DCC staff.

At the meeting, the newly appointed CCTWG was announced while the main outcomes of the COP28, particularly the Cambodia’s position to COP28, were presented. As stated in the COP28, Cambodia dedicates to playing a key role in international efforts to address the climate emergency and is committed to increase renewable energy share to 70% by 2030, doubling the ASEAN benchmark, and reduce electricity consumption by 19% through efficiency measures and broader electrification in relevant sectors.  Cambodia has initiated the 'Green Cambodia' strategy, which aims to plant over 1 million trees yearly to achieve 60% forest cover and be a country with carbon neutrality by 2050. At the COP28, Cambodia stated that (1) Mitigation ambition must be further increased; (2) Adaptation actions need to be accelerated; and (3) Loss and damage must be taken into serious consideration. To achieve these goals, the mobilization of USD 100 billion per year by developed countries must be the top priority.

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