
Staff Retreat of CCD and CCCA
16 Jul 2014 3,039

Preah Sihanouk – from 27 – 28 June 2014, Climate Change Department of the Cambodia Ministry of Environment conducted its annual staff retreat and a back-to-back final retreat for the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) with participation of CCD and CCCA staff, aiming to review progress,...

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Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023 Dissemination Workshop Launched for National Officials and NGOs
16 Jul 2014 1,927

Phnom Penh – 25th June 2014, a dissemination workshop on the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP) 2014-2023 was organized by the Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Cambodia Climate...

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Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023 Dissemination Workshop Launched for Southeast of Tonle Sap Region
16 Jul 2014 2,033

Siem Reap – 19th - 20th June 2014, a Dissemination Workshop on the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP) 2014-2023 was organized by the Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Cambodia Climate...

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Climate Change Adaptation Learning Event for Practitioners
05 Jun 2014 3,370

Battambang – 04-06 June 2014, the Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment, with financial support from the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA), organized a “Climate Change Adaptation Learning Event for Practitioners” at Stung Sangke Hotel, Battambang Province with...

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Lecturers and Under-graduated Students at International University Understood on Climate Change
12 May 2014 2,005

Phnom Penh – 12 May 2014, the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environment with supporting from Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) organized a workshop on “Awareness Raising on Climate Change” to lecturers and under-graduated students approximately 300 participants (135 females)....

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CCCSP 2014-2023 Dissemination Workshop Launched for the Southern Tonle Sap Region Provinces
30 Apr 2014 2,007

Battambang – 29 April 2014, a dissemination workshop on the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP) 2014-2023 was organized by the Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Cambodia Climate Change...

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Climate Change Awareness Raising to Upland Area in Cambodia
24 Apr 2014 2,556

The Climate Change Department under financial support from Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) organized a 6th Sub-National workshop on climate change awareness raising in Rattanak Kiri province from 24-25 April 2014. The event was provided to 50 government officials from relevant provincial...

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Joint Press Release: Signing of  Low Carbon Growth Partnership between the Cambodian side  and the Japanese side
11 Apr 2014 2,848

On April 11, 2014, the signing ceremony of “Low Carbon Growth Partnership between the Cambodian side and the Japanese side” was held at Cambodiana Hotel between H.E. SAY Samal, Minister of Environment and H.E. Mr. KUMAMARU Yuji, Ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of Cambodia. The global warming is a...

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Climate Change Adaptation: Flood and Drought-Resilient Aquaculture
11 Apr 2014 4,321

Background: Fishery is an important activity in Cambodia as it provides foods security and support livelihoods of people through generating incomes and it also plays an important role to promote diversification of livelihoods in Cambodia. However, climate change through the increased occurrence of...

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Climate Change Practice Notes Released!
11 Apr 2014 2,961

Under Trust Fund Secretariate of Cambodia Climate Channge Alliance, two Practice Notes on Factors of Change and Stakeholder Participation are produced to draw attention of all those working on climate change context. Please link to both summary and details: {phocadownload view=category|id=108|target...

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