Phnom Penh, 20 September 2016: A training workshop on tracking of climate finance in the ODA database is organized by the General Secretariat of the National Council for Development sustainable (GSSD) for officials from the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC), donors focal points and Ministry of Environment for one day. This initiative is part of the cooperation between Department of Climate Change of the GSSD and CRDB/CDC, with financial support from the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA).
Deputy Secretary General of the CRDB/CDC, H.E. Rith Vuthy noted that this workshop is going to focus on three thematic are 1) sharing result of development cooperation and partnership report in 2016, 2) collect inputs from relevant stakeholders for adjusting the ODA database and 3) provide new knowledge to focal points of development partners in ODA database utilization particularly data entry for climate change sector and new updated questionnaire.
On behalf of H.E Secretary General, H.E. Chan Somaly, Deputy Secretary General reminded participants of integration climate change into government policies and cross cutting issues for all sector. H.E also informed participants on impacts of climate change on economic and social development. She also emphasis the important of tracking climate financing in ODA database and encourage all development partners to continuous cooperation with royal government of Cambodia to address climate change issues in Cambodia. She thanked CDC/CRDB for their cooperation with NCSD in order to better track climate finance flows, which will allow for better monitoring of performance, and ultimately better decisions on how to allocate these funds effectively.
The training sessions are focused on 1) Disseminate the Development Cooperation and Partnership Report 2) Get feedback from development partner focal points for the new database features 3) Disseminate the result of climate change finance in Cambodia and 4) Provide instruction for climate change thematic marker
The event is part of the cooperation between the GSSD and CRDB/CDC on the improvement of monitoring and mobilization of international climate finance for Cambodia.