The 5th Program Executive Board (PEB) meeting of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Phase 3 happened on 23 February 2024. The PEB provides overall guidance for effective implementation of the remaining activities of the CCCA Phase 3, as well through overall monitoring and evaluation of progress made.

The specific objectives of this meeting were to present the 2023 achievements of CCCA3, discuss the activities to be completed by June 2024 and identify the next steps after the closure of CCCA Phase 3 and share ideas about the next phase.

The main results of the meeting can be summarized as follows:

  • Validation of the 2023 report;
  • Approval of the 2024 workplan activities (until 30 June 2024);
  • General consensus on the request for a 6-month extension until the end of 2024, including the feasibility study for the tree nursery. This extension request will follow the EU's administrative process;

The line ministries highly consider the continuation of the CCCA programme for the next phase. It is proposed to the development partners, the EU and UNDP, to continue their support. The program is recognized for its meaningful contributions in capacity building and policy interventions. The next phase should prioritize the translation of policies into actionable projects that demonstrate tangible results.

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