Cambodia Climate Public Expenditure Review 2018 (CPER 2018)_En

- Date of publication: 2020
- Institution: Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)
- Author: MEF
- Language: English
- Type: Document
- Page: 29
Cambodia Climate Public Expenditure Review 2018
Key messages for the 2018 CPER:
- The share of climate change expenditure in GDP in 2018 remained at 1% of GDP, slightly lower than the previous year;
- Climate change spending financed by domestic resources dropped by 11% while external finance climate change expenditure increased very slightly in 2018;
- External climate change finance changed faster than overall ODA to Cambodia; it fell faster than overall ODA in 2018, after rising in the previous year;
- Climate change features more prominently in Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan and in several sector strategies. This progress on the policy side needs to be better translated into financing strategies, both within the domestic budget and in negotiations with external partners.