Phnom Penh - On 20th December 2013, a workshop to disseminate key outcomes of the 19th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC CoP 19) was organized by the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the Cambodian Climate Change Alliance (CCCA), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The workshop was attended by over 100 key stakeholders from government institutions, development partners, civil society and media.
H.E. Dr. Sabo Ojano, Secretary of State of Ministry of Environment, presided over the workshop and stressed its importance for sharing Cambodia’s positions in international climate change negotiations, and recent international developments. Some key outcomes of CoP 19 were highlighted by members of the Cambodian delegation who attended the conference. The decisions include pursuing preparation of a new legally binding agreement for CoP 21 approval in 2015 and to enter into force from 2020, establishment of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, commitment to pursue reduction in GHGs emission by 2020 through technical measures and more involvement from the ministerial level, and establishment of a Climate Technology Center and Network to assist in the transfer of technology.

In relation to climate finance, Governments agreed to provide more clarity on mobilizing finance to support developing countries actions to curb emissions and to support adaptation. Mr Ma Chan Sethea, Deputy Director of the Climate Change Department, mentioned that “Developed countries commit to provide 100 billion USD by 2020 globally for climate change response in developing countries. Also, USA, Norway and UK pledged to finance 280 million USD for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+)”.

A representative from NGO Forum on Cambodia shared a perspective on the CoP 19 outcomes on behalf of 3 NGOs (CCCN, DCA and NGO Forum). “CoP 19 was expected to be a climate finance CoP, but in the end CoP 19 could be referred to as REDD+ CoP, and climate finance pledges decreased by 71% in the last year”.

It is important to note that during the High-level Ministerial Segment of CoP 19, H.E. Say Samal, Cambodian Minister of Environment, made a statement on Cambodia’s key positions to address climate change. These include Cambodia support for the efforts to address climate change based on the UNFCCC principles and its full association with LDCs and G77+china, the need for developed countries to take lead in GHG mitigation while developing countries can voluntarily participate based on financial and technological support, and the urgency for support to adaptation in developing countries. Furthermore, Cambodia urges developed countries to commit and increase their financial supports to countries vulnerable to climate change by providing 100 billion USD per year to developing countries by 2020, as well as by filling the financial gaps between 2013-2020.

Participants were also informed about the post-CoP 19 approval by the Royal Government of Cambodia to initiate the preparatory process for country’s ratification of the 2nd Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol (the Doha Amendment), to designate the Ministry of Environment as the national entity for REDD+, and to negotiate the draft text for an agreement with the Government of Japan on Joint Crediting Mechanism, a new Japanese initiative to promote mitigation activities via bilateral cooperation.

From the NGO perspective, even though some progress was made in Warsaw, getting mutual agreement is still a struggle. “There is no clear roadmap/predictability of fund and it is insufficient to build confidence among developing countries” said the NGO Forum Representative.

The dissemination workshop saw active participation and media interest. CoP 19 was organized in Warsaw, Poland in mid-November 2013, a week after the 3rd National Forum on Climate Change in Cambodia. The next CoP 20 will be held in Peru in late 2014. Download: Press Release CoP 19 dissemination workshop, 20th Dec 2013


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