Lima: UN climate change conference today, 02 December 2014 in Indonesia Pavilion, held a technical session to discuss frameworks addressing economic development facing climate change problems on agriculture sector.
Food security is a major global concern that has been deeply impacted the agriculture sector by climate change. The extreme weather results in crop failures, loss of livestocks and increasing risk of new patterns of pests and diseases. People living on the coasts and floodplains and in mountains, dry lands and the Arctic are most at risk.
The challenge lies the context of reducing emission, adaptation, and technology to achieving sustainable food security in a world with a growing population
As of agrarian country, Cambodia Ministry of Environment representing by Dr. Heng Chanthoeun, Deputy Director of Climate Change Department and as one of the Cambodia delegation, presented Cambodia’s Climate Change and Food Security focusing on the Climate Change Impacts on Food Security, the National Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition, and Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (2014-2023). He furthered outlined some innovative approaches and adaptation strategy through various adaptation pilot projects being testing and applying in agriculture, irrigation, fisheries and infrastructure sectors.
Food security exists when all people at all times have physical or economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life which Food Systems Stability: food availability, food accessibility and food utilization.
Climate change poses a serious threat to economic development. Responding to this issue, the global community has introduced and increasing resilience to climate change.