The Second Study on Understanding Public Perception of Climate Change in Cambodia: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP2 Report) is produced to identify and evaluate changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices of the public relating to climate change to improve the national and sub-national response to climate change.
The information in the study derived from a nationally representative survey of 1000 Cambodians, 67 in-depth interviews with influenctial people from national and provincial government agencies, media and non-governmental organisations, and five case studies.
Key findings are:
1) The term “climate change” has become slightly better known since KAP1;
2) Attitudes towards climate change have changed;
3) Television, radio and word-of-mouth still play critical roles in communicating information about climate change to all people regardless of their socio-demographic background; and
4) High-level political commitment is in place
The report also defined the main barriers to climate change mainstreaming concerning the lack or insufficiency of financial, technical and human resources and limited local institutional capacity.
The report is produced by the Department of Climate Change (DCC), General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development, with the support of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance(CCCA) and DanChurchAid/Christian Aid (DCA/CA) and commissioned to Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI).
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