The staff retreat of Cambodia Climate Change Alliance-phase 3 was chaired by H.E.Tin Ponlok, Secretary-General of NCSD with the participation of deputy secretary-general, director and DCC staff, UNDP representatives and CCCA project staffs. The meeting was organized on 29 June 2020 in Siem Reap, Cambodia which aimed to look at the progress of the DCC in implementing programs and project coordination with in-line ministries and agencies, stakeholders, and development partners in a total of 47 people, including 16 females. The meeting also reviewed at the each DCC office’s planning and activities for 2020 and 2021.
H.E. Tin Ponlok highly appreciated the efforts of the DCC, which achieved remarkable outcomes, particularly Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Planning, the Climate Change Adaptation Strategic Plan, the National Development Plan, and the Mobilization of Resources. He also stressed that Cambodia had mobilized budget about 70 to 80 million US dollars annually to implement climate change response which contributed to poverty reduction, improving livelihoods towards sustainable living, and contributed to national strategic development plan and other related matters. He also provided some recommendations to relevant department and project officials to further strengthen their technical capacity, particularly on scientific research, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, to effectively provide suggestions and work closely with in-line ministries and stakeholders, meanwhile, a well-prepared-action plan and budgeting must be taken into consideration during this COVID 19 Pandemic. He had high confidence that the team will as one to continue undertaking all efforts with responsible and coordinated manners to accomplish the set strategic plans and actions towards sustainable national development goals.