Phnom Penh, 23rd January 2017 – The Department of Climate Change (DCC), General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD) with support from Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) programme organized a training workshop on “Grant Implementation Guidelines (GIG)” to an additional six line ministries who are expected to begin implementing CCCA grants during this quarter, in support of priority actions in their respective Climate Change Action Plans (CCAPs). Some of the existing CCCA grantees who received grants in 2015 also received a refresher training on this occasion. A total of 36 participants (14 female) representing 12 line ministries have benefitted from the course.
Mr. Sum Thy, Director of the Department of Climate Change and CCCA Programme Manager, warmly welcomed the new CCCA grantees. He mentioned that “climate change is a cross cutting issue which has been taken into account by the Royal Government, and this grant facility is part of necessary elements to support the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan effectively”.
Participants have improved their knowledge on CCCA reporting requirements, human resources management and procurement procedures, financial management procedures (including disbursement mechanism and budget/project revision), communication and visibility, and monitoring and evaluation.
Six qualified ministries, who participated in the 2nd round of window 1 of CCCA grant facility, are expected to begin implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation projects, which test approaches at community level, and support capacity development and institutional strengthening to address climate change. They are Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Industry and Handicraft, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Information.
A refresher training was also offered to existing 6 grant recipients, including Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, National Committee for Disaster Management, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport, Stung Treng Provincial Department of Environment, and General Directorate of Agriculture.
CCCA grant facility is divided into 3 windows – (i) for line ministries/agencies with approved CCAP, (ii) for central ministries/agencies for climate change finance readiness, and (iii) for research and innovation. All three windows support the implementation of the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023.