Phnom Penh, 05 March 2020: Department of Climate Change of the General Secretariat of National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD), organized the meeting of the climate change technical working group working with development partners “Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) update process.” The meeting was chaired by H.E. TIN Ponlok, Secretary General of GSSD and Chair of the CCTWG with participation from members of CCTWG, Development Partners, Academia, NGOs and observers, totally 72 people (12 Female).
The meeting objectives are i) to update for ministries, agencies and development partners, and their consensus on the NDC process; ii) to strengthen stakeholder engagement and sensitizing of the stakeholders to the NDC update process; and iii) common understanding on the roles and responsibilities of key players.
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) through the Ministry of Environment, created Cambodia’s Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP 2014-2023) for actors at all levels, from national to sub-national, on the priorities of the national climate change response. Also, Cambodia’s first Biennial Update Report is approaching completion, the Third National Communication work underway, and the Department of Climate Change (DCC) has led a preliminary assessment of NDC implementation and identification of gaps, as well as the development of the corresponding NDC Roadmap and Stakeholder Engagement Plan, to ensure that the country is able to review its NDC targets by the COP 26 and to achieve its stated contributions by 2030. According to the workplan developed for the NDC update process, the first NDC will be revisited and the commitments with possible new areas agreed between March-October 2020.
The CCTWG meets on a six-month with the development partners involved in the climate change response. This mechanism provides a forum for policy dialogue and coordination between all concerned stakeholders, with the overall objective to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the climate change response.