Preah Sihanouk province - To effectively optimize climate change response at national and sub-national level in line with international trend, Department of Climate Change of General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD) in collaboration with Cambodia Climate Change Alliance phase 2 (CCCA 2) organized a staff retreat to oversee the CCCA’s key achievements in 2015 and develop 2016-2017’s work plan with the participation from the Department and CCCA by checking key challenges, recommendations, as well as discussions on work plan 2016-2017 from 17-18 December 2015.
Key achievements of 2015 made by CCCA supporting to DCC include the facilitation and approval of additional 4 priority sectors of the ministry’ Climate Change Action Plans (CCAPs) likewise Industry and Handicrafts, Tourism, Information, Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction; facilitation and approval of the Climate Change Financing Framework; commencement knowledge management system; mainstreaming climate change into sub-national’s planning and budgeting process as well as the launch of grant facility to 8 Ministries with approved CCAPs and open to institutions for research and innovation project. This fruitful results can’t be disconnected from the GSSD and the Ministry of Environment’s support and guidance.
Following proactively group discussion, the work plan for 2016-2017 is reflected and agreed to shift some pending activities to 2016.
Following day of the event, DCC conduct its own staff discussion and consequently outlined for strengthening staff technical capacity, building institutional and legal framework, coordinating the preparation of the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan, resource mobilization, promoting cooperation and aligning programme/project work plans with the DCC work plan.
CCCA is a comprehensive and innovative approach to address climate change in Cambodia, jointly funded by European Union (EU), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Sweden International Development Agency (SIDA). Its 2nd phase from 2014-2019, the strategic activities of CCCA are Result 1: Climate change mainstreaming by functioning governance and accountability framework for the climate change response at national and sub-national levels; Result 2: Carbon finance by orienting domestic and external finance effectively in support of climate resilience, and low carbon development; and Result 3: Knowledge management by strengthening human and technological capacities to support climate change response.