Phnom Penh, Sunway Hotel on the 17th Sept 2019: The General Secretariat of National Council for Sustainable Development organized a Consultative Meeting of CCTWG-DP, presided over by H.E. Chuop Paris, Director General of General Directorate of Environment Knowledge and Information and the Chair of the CCTWG, and participated by 10 females and 46 males representing from 22 DPs, 17 CCTWG Members, and the General Secretariat of NCSD. The meeting objectives were to discuss the NDC Partnership’s country engagement services and to identify priority areas of support for implementation of Cambodia’s National Determined Contribution (NDC).
The meeting agreed on next steps for the Government’s engagement with the NDC Partnership, including hosting a technical workshop in early October to support the Government’s preparation of (i) a Request for Support letter, which will build on activities already identified in Cambodia’s draft NDC Road Map, and (ii) an application for technical assistance funding through the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP).
The regular Meeting of Climate Change Technical Working Group and Development Partners provides a forum for policy dialogue and coordination between all concerned stakeholders, with the overall objective to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the climate change response between the government and the development partners working on climate change response in Cambodia.