Sihanouk Ville - On 11 December 2013, a Workshop on Climate Change Legislation was organized to discuss Cambodia’s next steps in developing a climate change legal framework to support the country’s effort to respond to climate change, including the implementation of the recently launched 10-year Cambodia Climate Change Strategy Plan (CCCSP). The workshop was organised by the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) with participation of approximately 50 government officials and representative from academia, development partners and NGOs. The Workshop’s objective was to highlight the importance of formulating climate change legislation to support Cambodia’s ability to respond to the challenges of climate change. {phocadownload view=file|id=442|target=s}
In his opening remarks the Ministry of Environment representative stated “climate change legislation can provide the key foundations for developing strong institutions, and facilitate international financing for climate change responses in Cambodia, helping us to take full advantage of the opportunities available through the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.”
During the Workshop, CCCA Legal Expert Ms. Gillian Duggin discussed lessons from international experiences with climate change legislation, and identified options for Cambodia to draw on these experiences and progress with its own future climate change legal framework.
Active engagement of the participants and discussion about the options presented in the workshop identified recommendations for Cambodia’s next steps. Moving forward, it was agreed that an overarching legal framework for climate change would be developed. At the same time, actions were identified for immediate progress including the strengthening of existing legal arrangements for Cambodia’s climate change institutions, and where possible working closely with line ministries to integrate climate change into their own sectoral laws.