Grant Window #: CCCA-TF 2012/01 (The application is now closed)
CCCA is a comprehensive and innovative approach to address climate change and disaster risks in Cambodia. It is a multi-donor initiative funded by EU, Sida, Danida and UNDP. It is anchored in the Government’s National Climate Change Committee (NCCC), a mandated Government coordinating and policy support entity for all aspects of climate change. CCCA Trust Fund has been established within CCCA as a unified engagement point for development partners and a multi-donor financial facility to provide resources for climate change capacity building at national and local government level.
NCCC, under its CCCA Trust Fund, invites concept notes for climate change adaptation projects which will support capacity development and institutional strengthening to address climate change; ensure climate change integration into policies, strategies, plans and programmes; and promote climate change knowledge and awareness in Cambodia.
Description of Requirements:
- Projects must have a strong focus on institutional strengthening of Government bodies at national and/or sub-national level for climate change adaptation in the following sectors: Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Water Resources, Health, Infrastructure and Meteorology.
- Projects that consider climate change adaptation linking with cross-cutting issues, such as gender, poverty reduction, biodiversity, governance, community-based development and aid-effectiveness are also eligible.
- Project concept should include relevant field demonstration activities that promote climate change resilience in the above-mentioned sectors.
- Eligible applicants are Government institutions individually, or international organisations and/or non-governmental organisations in partnership with a Government institution (See the Grants Application Guidelines for details).
- Project budget should not exceed US$300,000. For CSO applicants, the maximum amount allowed is US$150,000.
- Project duration is maximum 15 months.
- Interested parties are advised to obtain the full Call for Proposals and the Grant Application Guidelines from the website
To submit Concept Notes, applicants are requested to deliver a sealed envelope containing all the required documents in hard copy (1 set) together with a CD-ROM (or USB Flashdisk) containing the same set of documents in soft copy , to the address below no later than Monday 4 June 2012, 17:00 (Cambodia time).
Note: An Orientation Workshop on the 2nd Call for Proposals will be conducted on 30 April 2012, from 8:30 am at Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh. To register your participation, please send an email to the below email address with your name and organization. Please note that due to space limitation, only one participant from each organization can register for this event.
Documents download (PDF):
{phocadownload view=file|id=13|text=Draft 2CFP Orientation WS agenda (Khmer)|target=s}
Contact Details: CCCA Trust Fund Secretariat c/o Ministry of Environment #48, Samdech Preah Sihanouk Blvd Phnom Penh, Cambodia Email: