Phnom Penh, on Tuesday morning, 11 February 2020, the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance-Phase 3 organized its 1st Programme Executive Board meeting, chaired by H. E Say Samal, the Minister of Environment and Chairman of the CCCA3. The meeting was participated by the CCCA3 Board members from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Ministry of Environment (MoE), Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), Ministry of Public Work and Transport (MPWT), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Ministry of Mine and Energy (MME), the development partners, including the European Union, UNDP, and Embassy of Sweden and national and international observers of the relevant line ministries.
The meeting reviewed and discussed the achievements of the CCCA3 implementation in 2019 and the annual work plan for 2020 was approved. The meeting also discussed the sectoral GHG reduction and climate change awareness-raising needs, sustainable urban development, green building, mainstreaming climate change into national budgeting and climate-resilient road construction.