This short message is to share you the information of today (27/06/2023) dissemination workshop on results of the project implementation: "Piloting Energy Efficiency and Solar Micro Grids for Cambodia's Clean Energy Future", which has been implemented by the MME, and funded by the CCCA3’s grant.
The purposes of this workshop are:
- Disseminate case study and best practices resulting from the project implementation
- Discuss the findings against the wider issues, challenges, opportunities issues, challenges, opportunities facing the Energy Efficiency implementation and Solar Micro Grids System Development in Cambodia
- Provide a platform for policy discussion among key stakeholders;
- Formulate policy suggestions and recommendations for improving energy efficiency for government building implementation and for promising replication of solar microgrids system operation model in Cambodia.
The workshop process includes the presentation of the project results, the FGD, and the panelist session. There are around 40 participants from relevant ministries/entities such as MME, MoT, MLMUPC, EAC, EDC, CCCA, and commune council of targeted project. According to the project presentation, 170 families (162 households, 335 members) in the whole Koh Kateay Ireland have received the benefits of solar microgrid, which is provided by the project. It should be noticed that the project is nearly finished, and the final report is now under preparation.