Action progress

Action Implementation Location

This action progress below has been implemented at:

National Level
National Level
Preah Vihear
Kampong Cham
Kampong Thom
Sub-national Level

Annual Data

Annual progress made recorded by the respective ministry.

Target 1 - Battambang; Preah Vihea and Kampong Cham Provinces

Unit measured in Number

Additional information

Action Details Input Description
Technology Availability Yes
Technology Availability Yes
Technology Availability Yes
Number of women/ % of women participation- 30%/0% Around 30% of women engaged in capacity development to Conservative Agriculture Practices of which included the sustainable land management practices and improve of ground cover and soil organic carbon using crop covers.
Number of women/ % of women participation- 30%/0% Around 30% of women engaged in capacity development to Conservative Agriculture Practices of which included the sustainable land management practics and improve of ground ocver and soil organic carbon using corp covers.
Number of women/ % of women participation- 0%/0%
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) No
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) No
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) No
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) No
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) No
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) Yes
Capacity Support Needed
Capacity Support Needed
Capacity Support Needed


Financial Costs (USD)


No. Budget Financed By Funding Details Year
1315 35,000
Republic of Korea
Establishment of Cropping System for Growing Mungbean on Rainfed Lowland Paddy Field after Wet Season Rice (KOPIA). To transfer the new packaged technology of crop planting on lowland paddy field after harvested wet season rice to the livelihood farmers for increased crop productivity, farmer income and also improving soil fertilities. 2021
1316 1,826,312.5
The European Union
Water Resources Management & Agro-ecological Transition for Cambodia - WAT4CAM. The project will support the RGC's national strategy, which identifies agriculture, climate change and integrated water management as key levers for poverty alleviation and growth. The main objective of this EU Grant is to bring more efficient and sustainable solutions to the sector in terms of central and local governance, capacity-building to farmers, development of cooperatives and civil society, market opportunities, climatic services. 2021
1317 20,344.5
International Renewable Energy Agency
Enhancing Soil, Water and Nutrient Management for Sustainable Rice Production and Optimized Yield. The project is To improve rice productivity for enhanced food security and livelihood of rural farmers. 2021
1318 35,000
Republic of Korea
Establishment of Cropping System for Growing Mung bean on Rainfed Lowland Paddy Field after Wet Season Rice (KOPIA). To transfer the new packaged technology of crop planting on lowland paddy field after harvested wet season rice to the livelihood farmers for increased crop productivity, farmer income and also improving soil fertilizes. 2022
1319 1,814,110
The European Union
Initial budget was EUR 1,680,666, equivalent to USD 1,814,110. The project will support the RGC's national strategy, which identifies agriculture, climate change and integrated water management as key levers for poverty alleviation and growth. The main objective of this EU Grant is to bring more efficient and sustainable solutions to the sector in terms of central and local governance, capacity-building to farmers, development of cooperatives and civil society, market opportunities, climatic services. 2022
1320 20,206
International Atomic Energy Agency
Initial budget was EUR 18,720 equivalent to USD 20,206. The project is to improve rice productivity for enhanced food security and livelihood of rural farmers. 2022
1486 2,263,288
The finance for component 4: TA-AGRI in 2023 were 3,684,762 USD Under the sub-component 4.2 (R4D – CIRAD), the claims and disbursement for services are 2,263,288 USD were disbursed in 2023. 2023
1523 75,000
Food and Agriculture Organization
1527 1
International Atomic Energy Agency
1528 1
Republic of Korea
1529 1,805,288
World Bank Group
1545 1
Food and Agriculture Organization
1546 25,280
Food and Agriculture Organization

Action Budget Implementation Location

This budgets above has been implemented at:

National Level
National Level
Sub-national Level