Action progress

Action Implementation Location

This action progress below has been implemented at:

National Level
National Level
Sub-national Level

Annual Data

Annual progress made recorded by the respective ministry.

Target 1 - number of teachers primary and secondary trained on climate change concepts.

Unit measured in percentage

Additional information

Action Details Input Description
Technology Availability No During the training session, the trainers used only the developed materials as the resources to train participants. There is no technology used.
Technology Availability No During the training session, the trainers used only the developed materials as the resources to train participants. There is no technology used.
Technology Availability No During the training session, the trainers used only the developed materials as the resources to train participants. There is no technology used.
Number of women/ % of women participation- Of All Trainees Are Women 20%/20%
Number of women/ % of women participation- Of All Trainees Are Women 20%/20% The DCD and SHD invited participants from PTTC and DoE and encourage the female to participate in providing inputs comment and feedback.
Number of women/ % of women participation- Of All Trainees Are Women 0%/20%
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) No
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) No
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) No
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) No
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) No
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) No DDDD
Capacity Support Needed
Capacity Support Needed
  1. Need more technical support from expert to make the training more effective in the next training.
Capacity Support Needed


Financial Costs (USD)


No. Budget Financed By Funding Details Year
1423 27,000
German Agency for International Cooperation
The Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) has funded the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports to implement the 30-month project named Mainstreaming Climate Change and Increasing Resilience in the Education sector (MCCIRE) with the amount of USD 250,000. 2022
1482 1
International Renewable Energy Agency

Action Budget Implementation Location

This budgets above has been implemented at:

National Level
National Level
Sub-national Level