Building climate change resilience on cassava production and processing
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Action progress
Action Implementation Location
This action progress below has been implemented at:
National Level
Annual Data
Annual progress made recorded by the respective ministry.
Target 1 - Provinces
Unit measured in Number
Additional information
Action Details | Input | Description |
Technology Availability | Yes | 1.Variety improvement program for Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease; 2. Prevention of soil erosion and soil nutrient leaching; 3. Appropriate waste management for cassava processing developed |
Number of women/ % of women participation- In agricultural research | 0%/50% | |
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) | Yes | Further analysis on youth involvement in cassava production, capacity and necessary resources is required. Provide capacity building based on the need, ongoing technical support, improve access to resources (financial, inputs, suitable equipment) in cassava production and processing. |
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) | Yes | Private sectors will be actively participating in capacity development, supply of inputs, improvement processing facilities and technology and exportation. |
Capacity Support Needed |
SDGs |
Financial Costs (USD)
No. | Budget | Financed By | Funding Details | Year |
Action Budget Implementation Location
This budgets above has been implemented at: