Building resilience of biodiversity conservation and restoration to adapt to climate change
Ministry of Environment
Livelihoods, poverty and biodiversity
Action progress
Action Implementation Location
This action progress below has been implemented at:
National Level
National Level
Sub-national Level
Annual Data
Annual progress made recorded by the respective ministry.
Target 1 -
Unit measured in percentage
Additional information
Action Details | Input | Description |
Technology Availability | Yes | Based on Satellite imagery. |
Technology Availability | Yes | Based on Satellite imagery. |
Technology Availability | Yes | - Based on Satellite imagery that available such as Landsat8, Landsat9, Sentinel1, Sentinel2, Planet Images and other sources available. - Improve technic for forest monitoring system that's AI or Machine learning can (Google earth Engine). - Using open source application for improve GIS and Remote Sensing. |
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) | Yes | Youth engage with Eco-tourism development and biodiversity conservation. |
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) | Yes | Youth engage with Eco-tourism development and biodiversity conservation. |
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) | Yes | - Youth engage with Eco-tourism development and biodiversity conservation. - Forest restoration and conservation. - Awareness to local people with sustainable forest management. |
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) | Yes | Eco-tourism development |
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) | Yes | Eco-tourism development |
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) | Yes | - Propose improve activities public and private partnership. - Eco-tourism development. - Improving community based natural resources management. - Proposing forest restoration activities on forest lost areas. |
Capacity Support Needed |
Capacity Support Needed |
Capacity Support Needed |
SDGs |
Financial Costs (USD)
No. | Budget | Financed By | Funding Details | Year |
Action Budget Implementation Location
This budgets above has been implemented at: