Development of Industry crops for increase in production, improved quality-safety; harvesting and post harvesting technique and agro-business enhancement
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Action progress
Action Implementation Location
This action progress below has been implemented at:
National Level
National Level
Kampong Cham
Tboung Khmum
Kampong Thom
Oddar Meanchey
Preah Vihear
Sub-national Level
Annual Data
Annual progress made recorded by the respective ministry.
Target 1 - Million Tonne
Unit measured in Number
Additional information
Action Details | Input | Description |
Technology Availability | Yes | Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), Agro-forestry, Integrated Soil and Nutrient Management (ISNM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Botanical pesticide production, organic fertilizer, Conservation Agriculture (CA), water saving techniques and post-harvests and processing technologies and improving stress tolerant species and variety selection. |
Technology Availability | Yes | Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), Agro-forestry, Integrated Soil and Nutrient Management (ISNM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Botanical pesticide production, organic fertilizer, Conservation Agriculture (CA), water saving techniques and post-harvests and processing technologies and improving stress tolerant species and variety selection. |
Technology Availability | Yes | Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), Integrated Soil and Nutrient Management (ISNM), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Botanical pesticide production, organic fertilizer, Conservation Agriculture (CA), water saving techniques and post-harvests and processing technologies and improving stress tolerant species and variety selection. |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Consultation, Planning and Decision Making Process | 0%/50% | |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Beneficiaries increase income generation | 0%/50% | |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Beneficiaries report food security | 0%/50% | |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Consultation, Planning and Decision Making Process | 47%/50% | Women are engaged in various aspect of the agriculture development of which included following: 47% of women participated in farmer field day. |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Beneficiaries increase income generation | 27%/50% | 27% of women participated in capacity development programme, workshop and exposure visit. |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Beneficiaries report food security | 64%/50% | 64% of women participated in Agriculture Cooperative (AC) |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Consultation, Planning and Decision Making Process | 0%/50% | |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Beneficiaries increase income generation | 0%/50% | |
Number of women/ % of women participation- Beneficiaries report food security | 0%/50% | |
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) | Yes | |
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) | Yes | |
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) | Yes | |
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) | Yes | MAFF has issued permision letter to 252 input suppliers/companies to import the agricultural inputs into the country. MAFF facilitated and support to coodinate with buyers. Through out the reporting period, 928 contract farming signed across the country. |
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) | Yes | MAFF has issued permision letter to 252 input suppliers/companies to import the agricultural inputs into the country. MAFF facilitated and support to coodinate with buyers. Through out the reporting period, 928 contract farming signed across the country. |
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) | Yes | |
Capacity Support Needed |
Capacity Support Needed |
Capacity Support Needed |
SDGs |
Financial Costs (USD)
No. | Budget | Financed By | Funding Details | Year |
1332 | 4,799,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
- Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project. It will help increase crop productivity and diversification; improve the capacity for storage, processing, and quality and safety testing; and promote the use of solar and bioenergy. It will strengthen the technical and institutional capacity for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and create an enabling policy environment for climate-friendly agribusinesses. This will in turn promote long-term environmental sustainability and enhance the profitability for farmers and agribusinesses. - Agricultural Value Chain Competitiveness and Safety Enhancement Project. The project will strengthen value chains of competitive agricultural products (CAPs) cassava, mangoes, cashew nuts, vegetables, and native chickenin the provinces of Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Siem Reap, and Tboung Khmum. The project will (i) facilitate access to credit for agro-enterprises and agricultural cooperatives; (ii) promote viable market links among agro-enterprises and agricultural cooperatives, and enhance food safety and quality; and (iii) improve farm-to-market connectivity. The project will benefit 230 agricultural cooperatives (about 27,000 households) and about 50 agribusinesses in the project areas, and the number of beneficiaries will be expanded through intermediary financing. | 2021 |
1333 | 558,948 |
![]() World Bank Group
Cambodia Agricultural Sector Diversification Project (funded by IDA Credit No. 63660). The project is to facilitate the development of diversified agriculture value chains in selected geographical areas in Cambodia, and to provide immediate and effective response in case of an eligible crisis or emergency. | 2021 |
1334 | 4,319,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
It will help increase crop productivity and diversification; improve the capacity for storage, processing, and quality and safety testing; and promote the use of solar and bioenergy. It will strengthen the technical and institutional capacity for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and create an enabling policy environment for climate-friendly agribusinesses. This will in turn promote long-term environmental sustainability and enhance the profitability for farmers and agribusinesses. | 2022 |
1335 | 480,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
The project will strengthen value chains of competitive agricultural products (CAPs) cassava, mangoes, cashew nuts, vegetables, and native chickenin the provinces of Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Siem Reap, and Tboung Khmum. The project will (i) facilitate access to credit for agro-enterprises and agricultural cooperatives; (ii) promote viable market links among agro-enterprises and agricultural cooperatives, and enhance food safety and quality; and (iii) improve farm-to-market connectivity. The project will benefit 230 agricultural cooperatives (about 27,000 households) and about 50 agribusinesses in the project areas, and the number of beneficiaries will be expanded through intermediary financing. | 2022 |
1336 | 558,948 |
![]() World Bank Group
The project is to facilitate the development of diversified agriculture value chains in selected geographical areas in Cambodia, and to provide immediate and effective response in case of an eligible crisis or emergency. | 2022 |
1487 | 2,070,595 |
![]() World Bank Group
2023 | |
1488 | 3,684,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
2023 | |
1489 | 2,230,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
2023 | |
1501 | 17,520,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
2023 | |
1502 | 1,316,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
2023 | |
1503 | 6,392,000 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
2023 | |
1508 | 83,840 |
![]() Asian Development Bank
ADB TA 9545-CAM | 2023 |
1536 | 1 |
![]() Japan
2023 | |
1555 | 1 |
![]() Republic of Korea
2023 | |
1586 | 22,705 |
![]() Private sector
The target locations is in Kampong Speu Province. This project funded by Czech Republic. | 2023 |
Action Budget Implementation Location
This budgets above has been implemented at: