Action progress

Action Implementation Location

This action progress below has been implemented at:

National Level
  • Chhloung
  • Sambour
  • Chetr Borei
  • Tuek Chhou
  • Kampot
Kampong Speu
  • Basedth
  • Phnum Sruoch
  • Thma Koul
  • Battambang
  • Aek Phnum
  • Moung Ruessei
  • Sangkae
  • Sampov Lun

Annual Data

Annual progress made recorded by the respective ministry.

Target 1 - school buildings

Unit measured in Number

Additional information

Action Details Input Description
Technology Availability Yes Following last updated Standard Design of MoEYS and Climate Change to implement as pilot project including the components as below: 01 tiling roof school building with 05 classrooms, equipped with furniture for students and teachers, electricity power connection, indoor ventilation, lightning protection equipment, latrine and sanitation room, water well and water tank, planting tree and garden etc...
Number of women/ % of women participation- of all new school enrollments 50%/47% All activities require the participation of at least 50% female students and teachers។
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) Yes The students at secondary level participated with the project.
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) No
Capacity Support Needed


Financial Costs (USD)


No. Budget Financed By Funding Details Year
1481 250,000
Cambodia Climate Change Alliance
Supported the climate change and WASH improvement materials such as lightning protection, water tank, hand-washing stations and wells which responded to needs of schools. 23,081 USD for primary schools and 16,102 for secondary schools.​ 2023

Action Budget Implementation Location

This budgets above has been implemented at:

National Level
  • Chhloung
  • Sambour
  • Chetr Borei
  • Tuek Chhou
  • Kampot
Kampong Speu
  • Basedth
  • Phnum Sruoch
  • Thma Koul
  • Battambang
  • Aek Phnum
  • Moung Ruessei
  • Sangkae
  • Sampov Lun