Action progress

Action Implementation Location

This action progress below has been implemented at:

National Level
National Level
Prey Veng
Kampong Thom
Sub-national Level

Annual Data

Annual progress made recorded by the respective ministry.

Target 1 -

Unit measured in percentage

Additional information

Action Details Input Description
Technology Availability Yes GDA. The national rice production decreased by 4.78% compared to the production 2021. For period 2018-22 the production increasing on 1.64%
Technology Availability Yes GDA. The national rice production decreased by 4.78% compared to the production 2021. For period 2018-22 the production increasing on 1.64%
Technology Availability Yes GDA. The national rice production increased by 7.4% compared to the production 2022. For period 2019-23 the rice production increasing on 3%
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) Yes Youth data has not recorded during this reporting periods. Women are engaged in various aspect of the agriculture development of which included following: 1) 47% of women participated in farmer field day. 2) 27% of women participated in capacity development programme, workshop and exposure visite. 3) 64% of women participated in Agriculture Cooperative (AC)
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) Yes Youth data has not recorded during this reporting periods. Women are engaged in various aspect of the agriculture development of which included following: 1) 47% of women participated in farmer field day. 2) 27% of women participated in capacity development programme, workshop and exposure visite. 3) 64% of women participated in Agriculture Cooperative (AC)
Youth (engaged, not engaged, description) Yes Youth data has not recorded during this reporting periods. Women are engaged in various aspect of the agriculture development of which included following: 1) 47% of women participated in farmer field day. 2) 27% of women participated in capacity development programme, workshop and exposure visite. 3) 63% of women participated in Agriculture Cooperative (AC)
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) Yes MAFF has issued permision letter to 252 input suppliers/companies to import the agricultural inputs into the country. MAFF facilitated and support to coodinate with buyers. Through out the reporting period, 928 contract farming signed across the country.
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) Yes MAFF has issued permision letter to 252 input suppliers/companies to import the agricultural inputs into the country. MAFF facilitated and support to coodinate with buyers. Through out the reporting period, 928 contract farming signed across the country.
Private sector (engaged, not engaget, description) Yes MAFF has issued permision letter to 252 input suppliers/companies to import the agricultural inputs into the country. MAFF facilitated and support to coodinate with buyers. Through out the reporting period, 515 contract farming signed across the country.
Capacity Support Needed
Capacity Support Needed
Capacity Support Needed


Financial Costs (USD)


No. Budget Financed By Funding Details Year
1326 54,000,000
Asian Development Bank
The funding was made through the ABD's loan. The objective of the project is to Increase net incomes of stakeholders along the rice value chain. The outcome will be enhanced production of quality rice in Cambodia while preserving the natural resource base. 2021
1327 4,191,775.4
Cambodia-Australia Agricultural Value Chain Program Phase 2 (CAVAC II). The project is to increase agricultural productivity and incomes for smallholder farmers in Cambodia. CAVAC II mainly focuses on the following 3 components: 1) Productivity and Diversification 2) Irrigation Infrastructure construction and improvement 3) Milling and Export 2021
1328 1,375,696
AFD- Water resources management and Agroecological Transition for Cambodia (WAT4CAM) Program Phase 1 (Grant). The Irrigation Programme aims to : A. To accompany the RGC investment strategy in irrigation infrastructures, as a way to provide farmers with a secured water and to improve their resilience to climate change; B. To support the MoWRAM strategy through capacity-building activities in terms of (i) Irrigation and Social Water Management (ISWM) as a way to encourage a lasting local appropriation, and (ii) IWRM, including using satellite-based hydro-meteorological technologies; C. To support the MAFF in defining and implementing the RGC commitment to a sustainable agriculture intensification and diversification, using the modernisation of irrigation infrastructures to disseminate climate-smart practices as a way to increase fertility, yields and quality, to encourage value-chain structuration and agro-diversification, and to improve carbon capture and storage. 2021
1329 54,000,000
Asian Development Bank
The objective of the project is to Increase net incomes of stakeholders along the rice value chain. The outcome will be enhanced production of quality rice in Cambodia while preserving the natural resource base. 2022
1330 3,751,683
The initial budget was given AUD 5,642,563 equivalent to USD3,751,683. The project is to increase agricultural productivity and incomes for smallholder farmers in Cambodia. CAVAC II mainly focuses on the following 3 components: 1) Productivity and Diversification 2) Irrigation Infrastructure construction and improvement 3) Milling and Export. 2022
1331 1,492,148
The initial budget was given EUR 1,375,696 equivalent to USD 1,492,148. The Irrigation Programme aims to : A. To accompany the RGC investment strategy in irrigation infrastructures, as a way to provide farmers with a secured water and to improve their resilience to climate change; B. To support the MoWRAM strategy through capacity-building activities in terms of (i) Irrigation and Social Water Management (ISWM) as a way to encourage a lasting local appropriation, and (ii) IWRM, including using satellite-based hydro-meteorological technologies; C. To support the MAFF in defining and implementing the RGC commitment to a sustainable agriculture intensification and diversification, using the modernization of irrigation infrastructures to disseminate climate-smart practices as a way to increase fertility, yields and quality, to encourage value-chain structuration and agro-diversification, and to improve carbon capture and storage. 2022
1484 11,684,000
Asian Development Bank
1485 72,956
Asian Development Bank
1495 29,527,559
The total project expenditure is USD 29,527,559.06 2023
1496 257,842
Asian Development Bank
1497 612,000
Asian Development Bank
1498 1,503,000
Asian Development Bank
1499 2,476,000
Asian Development Bank
1500 5,520,000
Asian Development Bank
1518 2,713,593
The European Union
1524 1,724,939
Food and Agriculture Organization
1526 2,085,639
1530 2,070,595
World Bank Group
1534 635,007
1535 46,701
1538 35,837
1561 3,784,041
United States Agency for International Development
1562 1,608,914
United States Agency for International Development
1574 163,477
Private sector
This project funded by Czech Republic 2023
1575 41,777
Private sector
This project funded by Czech Republic 2023
1577 425,284
Private sector
The project funded by Canada 2023
1578 1
Republic of Korea

Action Budget Implementation Location

This budgets above has been implemented at:

National Level
National Level
Sub-national Level