The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change defined (2018) the set of rules for reporting and review of information submitted by countries called the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement. Based on the guidance provided the countries shall provide information needed to track progress made in implementing and achieving their NDCs submitted.
The institutional framework established to lead Cambodia’s climate response including the establishment of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD), its Secretariat (GSSD), (2015) (the Royal decree No. NorSor/RorKorTor/0515/403 and the sub-decree No. 59 OrNorKrar.BorKor) and the Council’s Climate Change Technical Working Group (CCTWG) (2017) (Prakas NO.002 S.S.R NCSD) specifies the roles and tasks for the development and management of climate change related monitoring and evaluation (M&E) instruments, and the national M&E framework for climate change response.