On 13th October 2022, Dr. Hak Mao, the director of Department of Climate Change (DCC) presided over an inception workshop of a project entitled “Enhanced actions to respond to climate change through sustainable waste management in Coastal Cities in Cambodia” organized by UN-Habitat based in Cambodia in collaboration with the DCC at Sangkahak Mith Hotel, Kep province. This workshop aimed to address the overview of project and progress update of project implementation as well as the proposed coordination principle for key relevant stakeholders and to officially implement the project. This workshop participated by representatives from the Ministry of Environment (MoE), the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPTW), representatives from the Provincial Department of Environment (DPoE), representatives from Kept and Preah Sihanouk Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport, in total of 25 people.
During the opening remarks, Dr. Hak Mao mentioned about the risk causing by global climate change such as: global temperature rise, drought, and flood in some countries, storm, …, and sea level rise affect to ecosystem or environment; people livelihood; and country development. He also mentioned about the history of mechanism and policy preparation, and other national report related to climate change, mainstreaming climate change into national and sub-national level. Concerning on waste management (plastic and liquid waste), mechanism, law and regulation as well as relevant ministries whom involved in this waste management at national and sub-national level in the aim of hygiene, beauty of the city and urban areas.